The human side of calamity...
18 June 2021
Right. I didn't think that a film, especially one that is generally lauded as terrible and has a rating of 5.7 on IMDb, could take me on such an emotional rollercoaster but, well, here we are.

Oh my god, wow. This was a movie unlike any other that I've seen for a long time. The thing that makes it so different to the many, many other films that are similar in style to it is just the way that it shows the human side of the climactic effect. Throughout the entire story, as well as just the sheer amount of tension and fear I felt, somehow there was just this connection to the characters that for once left me caring about what happened to the people who were affected by this.

A lot of similar films tend to focus on the actual event and consequently all the violence or whatever that ensues - taking pure shock/jump scare/gory action value to appeal to the wider audience. But not this - The Trigger Effect took the smart decision of leaving the blackout in the background, and instead focusing on what impact the blackout left on everyone who had experienced it. Even though it was rarely mentioned or seen itself, the chaos, the confusion, the strained relationships showed it in its fullness. Kyle MacLachlan, already one of my favourite actors, was incredible in this, and as was Elisabeth Shue. They brought to life what would happen to someone normal in an instance of mass panic.

I really don't get why everyone hate this movie. I really don't. And I know that there's obviously going to be a fair number of people who are going to have a go at me for being overly pretentious and hailing this movie as amazing. The thing is, I'm pretty sure that most people who read the longline of this movie were expecting something akin to a classic gory-action-violence post-apocalyptic movie - something like 28 Days Later, or Bird Box, or A Quiet Place - but The Trigger Effect isn't that. And I'm guessing most people didn't see that coming. But I've never liked those kinds of gory-action-violence movies. This... this was a relieving breath of air in the so-called disaster genre. I mean, pretentious drivel like Black Swan gets an 8? Interstellar, an 8.6?? This deserves way more than a 5.7 - the problem with IMDb is that there are certain quiet masterpieces which get overlooked in favour of the million-dollar blockbusters.

Don't listen to the hate. This is a thriller/drama that focuses on people, and it's truly beautiful.

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