Review of Siberia

Siberia (2020)
Its called the seventh art for a reason
22 June 2021
I am utterly tired of the hordes of mindless drones constantly spewing the same hermetic cliched phrase over and over and over again... Its too artsy, its too artsy, its too artsy. Well guess what buddy? Its called the seventh art! Calling it too artsy is like calling an orange to orangy. You want brainless entertainment that doesn't challenge the mind in any way? Go to Six Flags and ride a roller-coaster pudding brain! Try opening your mind up to different and/or new things a little. You might actually learn to enjoy it without having to watch billions of dollars being thrown at a screen just to see the same recipes recycled over and over again. So this movie is metaphorical. If that bothers you, just turn around and go away. There's no point in trying to denigrate something just because it isn't within your grasp. As for the movie, did I like it? Not that much but it did make me think and reflect which I always appreciate from a movie and I admire those who dare to trie something different and more personal regardless of all the cowardly trolls hiding behind their smartphones and computers this new era rains down on everyone. The movie was spectacularly photographed and yes, it was weird. And if weird was bad. Then everyone would be in big trouble because guess what else? Unless you aren't human, YOU ARE WEIRD! So I'm giving this a 10 to counter all the undeserving negative reviews from the basements wannabe critics which, even dough I also am. I am at least decent enough to be aware of it and trie to have some humility when judging other people's art. But I'm not above judging those who judges. And I like art which is why I like that there are movies like this and I wish to encourage that.
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