needs more danger
10 July 2021
Recently released inmate Emily (Geraldine Chaplin) starts stalking construction worker Neil Curry (Anthony Perkins) and his wife Barbara (Berry Berenson, Perkins' real life wife).

This is missing the first scene which is Emily being released from prison. It's not set up properly. It needs to show who she is before the stalking starts. There is another problem. Chaplin's slight frame makes her less than threatening. She does all she can with acting but her character really needs to do something truly scary. She could be holding a knife and I wouldn't see that as threatening. I do see her mental instability but I don't see the danger. Other notable actors here are Moses Gunn, Jeff Goldblum, Tim Thomerson, and Alfre Woodard who is only starting out in her second movie. This is an interesting indie with some interesting performances and a future star starting out.
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