He Got Game (1998)
9 August 2021
The Simpsons got it exactly right when - on one of their Treehouse of Horror episodes - Spike Lee got fired into the sun along with Tom Arnold, Rosie O'Fat, and a number of other obnoxious 90s celebrities.

The guy makes such obvious tripe. Nominally about, I dunno, the bl2ck experience in America,his movies have about as much grit as mayonnaise. Every bit of dialogue, every scene, every musical cue laid on so thick viewers gain 10 pounds in a single viewing.

He So Lame is no different. Do I really need to see Denzel mouthing off while playing a game of 1-on-1 vs real-life basketball malcontent Ray Allen? For 15 minutes? So boring. So self-indulgent. So Spike Lee.

The guy is arguably the biggest hack in contemporary Hollywood.
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