Interesting, nice change for Bogart
17 August 2021
Humphrey Bogart stars as a man with a shady past in The Left Hand of God. In his entrance scene, he's seen in priest's garb, and he quickly stashes a gun among his personal belongings. Clearly, he's hiding something, but what? In contrast to his usual "trenchcoat" roles, this bad-guy part is given lots of layers for him to explore. He's clearly trying to turn over a new leaf, and as he preaches from the pulpit, he's gentle and understanding. Can't imagine Humph as a priest? Can't imagine him singing Chinese with a group of orphaned children?

Then you'll have to rent this interesting drama to believe it. I really enjoyed this movie, especially because of the character development and storyline. You'll have to suffer through Lee J. Cobb with tape on his eyes, and Agnes Moorehead as a suspicious busybody, but the rest of the movie makes up for it. Gene Tierney plays a nurse and gives a great subdued performance. She's intelligent and enjoys how she feels around the new priest; but she still has suspicion tugging at the back of her mind. This is probably Humphrey Bogart's most different role (besides The African Queen), so if you're a fan, you don't want to miss this. It's not every movie you get to see him giving a religious sermon in Chinese.
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