Bob (1992–1993)
Poor Bob
29 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As others have commented, "Bob" is a tale of two shows in one and neither getting a fair chance.

"Bob" - Take 1

In "Bob Pt 1, " Bob plays a cartoonist who created the short lived comic Mad Dog in the 50's or 60's, and for the past 20 years or so, has worked as a greeting card artist. Fast forward to 1992 and Mad Dog is resurrected by a comic publisher and Bob is now back to drawing the Mad Dog comic. Surrounded by unlikeable supporting characters in an office environment, Bob from the get go, seems perpetually annoyed to be around them. Especially his young overbearing boss, Harlan. The writers clearly sensed Harlan's hard edges were too much so mid-way through the series they softened him up (and then he has barely one scene per show thereafter.)

Others, including Chad and Alvey fair somewhat better as young Gen X-ers, complete with flannel shirts and cynical attitudes. They provided some comic relief and good generational exchanges with the older Bob, but the chemistry is just not quite there. Prior to Friends fame, Lisa Krudow shows up and dates Alvey and they were great together. Too bad they didn't keep her as a regular supporting player but maybe she knew when to get out.

And speaking of lacking chemistry, Bob, on a scale of one to ten, musters a three with his wife Kate and a four with his daughter Tricia. Bob, in previous sitcoms always had a strong independent wife who grounded him and had a career and life of her own. No such luck here. Kate apparently stays at home waiting for Bob to come home or pops in his office just to tell him she's going shopping for the afternoon. Insert groan here.

As for his daughter, Tricia has an ongoing problem of boyfriend troubles which, provides some comic relief but empathy as well. Cynthia Steveson as Tricia gives it her all in her portrayal despite the rather indifference of her parents. There may have been a good reason Bob never had children in his previous sitcoms.

But a few episodes showed true potential to bring these characters together in some entertaining way. For every show that showed promise, and some did, the next one eradicated that progress and we're back to grumpy Bob. At least the house cat, Otto provided continuous comic relief but then again, cats can't act. We were lucky Otto could react on cue.

The other problem with this show is the 90's sitcom tendencies. Characters diminish each other in insulting ways and the scenes abruptly end without context or just move on to the next scene.

"Bob" Take 2:

So, now here's the second version of "Bob" (with a new opening and extremely short theme song), that was changed mid-way through the first session. The family returns but the Mad Dog comic is discontinued and Bob is now in a completely new office environment and is now the president of the greeting card company. Betty White joins the cast as Bob's new boss and her son, Pete was supposed to get Bob's job. Pete tries to make the best of it (lots of whining yet very jealous of Bob), but can't. This character is worse then Harlan in the first version of "Bob."

Bob is less cranky here and there is more warmth between Bob and Kate (who still doesn't have much to do). Tricia still is having boyfriend problems and in one episode, Pete and Tricia go on a date much to Bob's chagrin (and ours with a preposterous dinner engagement which they all have together.)

But, the last two episodes we're actually very well written and quite funny, especially the episode with Dick Martin and Peter Bonerz (who reprised his role as Jerry Robinson, the dentist from the 70's Newhart show in a brief cameo.) For die hard Newhart fans, and I am one, this cameo is awesome and was hysterical.

So, here we have "Bob Pt. 2" appearing to find itself and maybe, just maybe, actually developing into a good show. But, like "Bob Pt. 1", the plug was pulled quickly on this version too.

The result: One show with two versions in the same year that quickly dies on the vine. There was a good show in each - somewhere. Newhart deserved better and so did his fans.
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