Bhoot Police (2021)
Fun and Non-sense both in Limit.. Bhoot Police is neither haunting nor too funny but never becomes a headache.
10 September 2021
Bhoot Police (2021) : Movie Review -

Like some industry people have said themselves, 'Horror-Comedy is a risky genre'. No matter if 'Stree' has opened doors for this genre even for family audience who never turned up to watch Horror flicks in theatres but for this one film they broke that tradition. The major reason was the Humour that film carried, it was organic and hilarious so it worked big time. After Stree, some filmmakers have been internationally making films in this genre thinking that they might create another Stree but they failed to understand that it's not that easy. Recently, 'Roohi' came out as a big disappointment and then people really understood the value of Stree and whether or not any film can match its level (the same director is bringing Bhediya so I'm hopeful), that we will see in future. For now, Bhoot Police is a decent Timepass. Neither damn too funny nor haunting but somehow manages to hold the audience and their interest in this knavish ride.

The film is about Two brothers whose job is to hunt and eradicate ghosts for money and they are assigned a project in a remote village where once their father freed people from the ferocious ghost called 'Kichkandi'. I liked these names you know, there is something about these names which Bonafides the values of horror material. 'Kichkandi', 'Vibhooti', 'Chiraunji' and 'Ulatt Baba, it all sounds funny. Though, these characters have lose corners while looking at sensibile side of their roles. The female side is a complete disappointment. Yami Gautam and Jacqueline Fernandez's Characters fails to find that tunning needed for the narrative and both became predictable very soon.

Acting wise, there is nothing much in the film. Arjun Kapoor as Honest tantrik may look better sometimes but rest of the time he's strictly average alongside Saif who is damn funny occasionally. Yami still seems to be acting but Jacqueline as an actor is terrible in every single frame. God knows when she will learn proper dialogue delivery. The supporting cast is okay but could have been better. Bhoot Police has some dialogues scoring laughter, and such that are inspired from social media and politicians memes. The screenplay is not boring and that i think is enough when there was nothing much in the script to interest you.

Pawan Kriplani hasn't been able to crack perfect formula of Horror-comedy but thankfully he hasn't done horrible mistakes. This could be a lesson for him and other filmmakers who are making or will be making films on same theme. Bhoot Police could have had better climax if the writer hadn't opted for outdated theories and if the director was smart enough to avoid loopes. Nevertheless, it can be viewed once by all kind of audience, doesn't matter even if you don't like it, you won't have a headache.

RATING - 5/10*
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