26 September 2021
I expected a thriller or mystery but the story did not end up going anywhere near where I thought it was going. Every character, except maybe Nicole Kidman, was amazing in this show. As the characters progressed, I felt myself liking each of them far more than I initially thought I would. The scenery is eerie and beautiful setting the landscape that things are not what they seem in this paradise-esqe, "tranquil" place. The show unfolded giving you just enough to remain vested, but I never really could figure out where it was going. Even one episode before the show ended I was still not sure which direction the show was heading. It seemed like the mystery of what was really going on was intentional and I appreciated that. Then when the show finally starts to come full circle, utter disappointment settled in because the ending was unfortunately significantly anticlimactic. Which was such a huge let down because it had all the tools to be great, except the most important part: the story. The ending could be considered " happy" and was intended to be satisfying, but if I'm honest, I was very annoyed. I can't say I regretted watching the show, it just could have been so much stronger and many elements that seemed like there were going to be of some significance to the overall story, fell completely flat. I can't say the show was terrible, but it wasn't all that good either.
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