A fantastic sequel which left every movie buff to mourn over Sergei Eisenstein's Unfinished Trilogy. A grand Farewell by the Russian Genius!
28 September 2021
Ivan Groznny / Ivan The Terrible Part 2 (1944/1958) : Brief Review -

A fantastic sequel which left every movie buff to mourn over Sergei Eisenstein's Unfinished Trilogy. A grand Farewell by the Russian Genius! Before watching Ivan The Terrible part 1 and 2 i didn't know that there was 3rd part in making which was lett unfinished after the demise of Eisenstein. I was watching it as a two part story only but then the climax left me wanting for more. This film is Special for that reason. Not because it has something outstanding stored in but because it was the last film of Sergei Eisenstein (call me an emotional fool and i don't mind, i owe that much to the genius filmmaker). So, Ivan The Terrible picks from where we were left and eventually it becomes 'Terrible' in real. That thing was missing in the first part when i saw Tsar getting hurt by his wife's death. Here i saw his terrible Avatar alright, just as the title suggests. As Ivan the Terrible attempts to consolidate his power by establishing a personal army, his political rivals, the Russian boyars, plot to assassinate their Tsar. But, Tsar is smart enough to set-up his own game against his enemies and get them on their knees afterall. Like i said in my review of part 1, this dual-part series is not for mainstream cinema lovers. It has that artistic flow against the stream. It has those close frames, pauses and moment which you might call outdated and too old as if we are watching a 1910's film but try and understand what the director wanted to present. The theme is bound to get period right and the symphonic storytelling is about how we would imagine the historical segments. Otherwise he could have easily made it with mainstream flow and simple designing but he wasn't an ordinary filmmaker to behave like one, right? Overall, a fulfilling sequel but i just wish that Eisenstein had completed the third part and then said good-bye to us.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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