Is there a barnacle of redemption in this movie? Check out my review below to find out!
10 October 2021
"The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water" (2015), most of you all know this. But if you don't, I'll fill you in. I'm a huge fan of the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants" (1999-Present); the first three seasons and the first film that is. The first three seasons of the show is also on my top ten all-time favorite animated shows list! That, for me, is the real "SpongeBob SquarePants". Almost everything after the first movie is mediocre at best. Keep in mind, I did not watch "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water" voluntarily. I was visiting relatives, and it just happened to be on their TV. Being the loyal family member I am, I reluctantly accepted their viewing material. One rule I have when I review films, is that I have to view them all the way from beginning to end in order to qualify for a review, otherwise it won't count. Yes, I did watch "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water" all the way through, and it was about as obnoxious and pointless as you can imagine. It has a boring and redundant story, over the top voice acting, and an overall predictable soundtrack to attempt to tie it all together. The plot is, a pirate who lives above the sea steals the Krabby Patty formula, SpongeBob and his nemesis Plankton must team up to get it back. Yeah, it's yet another story about the Krabby Patty formula again, how original. Not! Seriously, how many times can they attempt to execute the exact same premise? It gets a bit formulaic after a while! No pun intended. Now granted, in any TV series, animated or live-action, it's important to have a working formula in the aspect of it's storytelling. However, if you're going to rely on the same thing over and over again, it better be a good concept! A conflict regarding the Krabby Patty formula is about the most repetitive and overused plot thread in any show. Yet, somehow a group of people actually thought it was a good idea. Where's the originality?! The only unique thing here in this "film", is that SpongeBob and Plankton team up with each other. Even there, the writers still managed to screw it up. Don't even get me started on the obnoxious elements. There are so many annoying parts littered throughout this "movie", but probably the worst one is the fact that Plankton, a supposed evil genius, can't pronounce the word "team". He says "te-am", I'm not joking with you. At one point when I watched it, I almost shouted: "how difficult can it possibly be to say the word, team?!" In the first three seasons and movie, Plankton was portrayed as a cold, calculating genius. Now, he's pretty much been reduced to a retard. In fact, a lot of the characters have been flanderized into shells of their former selves, no pun intended. There is no heart, no tension and the whole "movie" just leaves you feeling empty. As if a boring and cliched plot wasn't enough, they have to shove pointless and intolerable music numbers in our faces! The dumbest one, by far, is: "Thank Gosh, It's Monday". For those who may not know, the scene with that song was deleted from the final release. But, that's not the stupid part about it. What's dumb about it, is the fact that they can't say: "Thank God, It's Monday". That's right, there are people nowadays that are offended about using the name God in a family film. Everyone with a brain stem should know who the song is referring to! Seriously, that's how much of a pansy snowflake world we've become. That's the reason why everyone is so sensitive today, they were never exposed to real cartoons and shows. This "film" proves just how dumbed down and soft we're all becoming. If it keeps up, we're all going to crash and burn! Any way, if you've seen any "SpongeBob SquarePants" episode after the first movie, you've seen the story of "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water". The acting from the entire voice cast is pretty much as big a letdown as the story itself. As I mentioned, the most annoying voice comes from SpongeBob himself. His voice is more high-pitched and girly. He actually sounds gay, which is really distracting. Every other main character sounds like their normal selves with no breakthroughs. The live actors in this "film" are also bad as well. Not even Antonio Banderas could save it! Yep, somehow they bribed him to be in this "movie"! As far as the special effects go, most of them are good. But, after a while, they just look cheap and lazy. Finally, the soundtrack composed by John Debney is as generic and predictable as you can get. That really surprised me, because he has actually written and composed decent film scores before. What happened to him here? Now, let's get to the only good element in this "film", the sets/locations. As far as the sets/locations go, they are beautiful and give the film a nice atmosphere. "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water" is yet another pointless entry in the modern "SpongeBob SquarePants" world. Not even Stephen Hillenburg (R. I. P.) could save it! I'm struggling to give this film 1 out of 5 stars on my scale, which equates to 2 out of 10 IMDB stars. Do I really have to say avoid this "film"? You'll just end up getting hit with a wave of disappointment. Stick with the real "SpongeBob SquarePants" show (which is Seasons 1-3 and the first movie). That, for me, is the real "SpongeBob SquarePants". There's one last thing I want to say about "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water". The poster tagline says: "MAKING WAVES IN OUR WORLD". Yes, this "film" is making something, but it's not waves!
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