Beyond Bedlam (1994)
Brain Damaged...
14 October 2021
Dr. Stephanie Lyell (Elizabeth Hurley) works at "The Institute", where she's been working with a psychopath named Gilmour (Keith Allen) to see if he can be made "normal". Dr. Lyell uses a combination of chemicals on Gilmour with unexpected results.

Meanwhile, Lyell's neighbors begin dying in bizarre, unexplained ways (i.e.: hanging, spontaneous combustion, etc.). Is Gilmour somehow responsible? If so, are paranormal abilities involved?

Now, this may sound great. It's not.

NIGHTSCARE is a ludicrous tale presented in a disjointed way, making it seem as though huge chunks of the story are missing. This results in a confounding experience for the viewer. Weird things happen, only to go nowhere.

Gilmour, while quite repugnant, just isn't all that menacing or frightening. While attempting to portray him as a sort of Hannibal Lecter / Fred Kruger hybrid, he comes off more like a parody of both. There's also the cardboard cop, the "creepy" nun, etc.

Alas, if this movie hadn't been so utterly bland, it could have been a schlock masterwork. Ms. Hurley is a good actor, but she has no hope of wading through this visual sub-sludge...
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