Everyone in this town makes the dumbest choices possible
15 October 2021
The movie takes place immediately after the events from 2018's Halloween. I imagine that if you liked that movie, you'll probably like this one as well. I'm sure you're familiar with the drill. Michael Myers kills a bunch of people, the end.

Here is my problem with this movie. For things to happen as they do, every single character in this movie must do the dumbest thing possible. People are literally throwing themselves into Michael Myers' path to be murdered when they could easily avoid it. People go off, alone, in a house to go looking for him. They never have a chance. When they have the opportunity to call for backup, they don't. When they have a gun that they can use to shoot him, they don't even try to get a good shot and just shoot wildly. Even when they are like two feet away, they can't hit him. They are worse shots than the stormtroopers from Star Wars. Even when they do have an opportunity to take him out, they totally blunder it by letting up and by getting in close to fight, one by one. This movie even goes back in time to come up with new scenes showing people making the dumbest choices possible. Michael Myers just keeps going about his business, and all of these people go out of their way to get murdered by him. Everyone in this town is a moron. So, if you're looking for a movie that isn't remotely scary involving Michael Myers walking around slaughtering people dumber than livestock with occasional scenes of Jamie Lee Curtis screaming wildly for no real reason, you will probably like this.
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