Review of Infinite

Infinite (2021)
Enjoy, but don't bother bringing your brain
17 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are a small number of people called Infinites who get reincarnated, and remember all their previous lives. One group regards this as a blessing, to be used to serve humanity. The other group regards it as a curse. They are led by a man who so badly hates 9 months of confinement with all his previous lives' memories in his head that he has invented a bomb which will destroy all life - his misery will only end when he has nothing to reincarnate into. The bomb has been hidden by one of the other group whose memories didn't boot up properly last time he got reincarnated.

This, and other, interesting material gives rise to quite a lot of fairly routine, though well-staged, action and car chases plus a few preposterous moments (I suppose if you know you're going to be reincarnated then you may well ride a motor cycle off a cliff at a cargo plane armed only with a samurai sword). It's a pity that more weight wasn't given to the material itself, as it gets fairly short shrift next to the action.

Chiwetel Ejiofor is class even while he's slumming, and Mark Wahlberg is - well, Mark Wahlberg.
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