Luxurious and brilliant musical with two big stars : Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron dancing exquisitely
23 October 2021
The imaginative tale in a magical , fantastic location : Paris . There a free-spirited author and ex-G. I. played by Gene Kelly stays on in the famous capital after the war to study painting . As he stumbles a wealthy divorced woman : Nina Foch who supports his efforts , but he really falls in love for a beautiful young : lovely Leslie Caron and they naturally dance , but the latter is engaged to another man : Georges Guetary .

This enchanting , lavish musical stars Gene Kelly who discovers a deep love while dancing magnificently through wonderful scenarios , though filming mostly in in the MGM studios with no outdoors ; in fact , while it sure looks like Paris , most of it was shot in studios . This release features the hoofer as the independient painter of the title . One of Gene Kelly's classic musicals , in all , the movie offers appointingly several pleasures , though sluggish , at times . The movie is a heady mixture of George Gershwin music , breathtaking dances and light entertainment . Main highlight is the sweeping musical score and Gene Kelly's knock-out choreography . Standing out the astonishing 20-minute ballet which holds the record for longest movie dance number and one of the most expensive , pegged at over half a million for a month of shooting ; due to his efforts , the dance king won a special Academy Award citation. Audiences for big screen musicals were waning when the famous production company Metro Goldwyn Mayer put this stage hit before the cameras and getting success enough . Stars two splendid actors and dancers : Leslie Caron and Gene Kelly in yet another of his more whimsical characters . Along with a great support cast , such as : Nina Foch as the rich American who hopes to acquires a little extra attention from Kelly , Georges Guetary and Oscar Levant .

It displays a colorful and glamorous cinematography in picturesque Technicolor and Cinemascope by Jonh Alton . Marvellous scenarios, worth artificial-looking production design that only emphasised its stagebound origins . The motion picture was compellingly directed by Vincente Minnelli . This filmmaker was considered to be one of the best of the Hollywood golden years , making some masterpieces , being a musical expert , though also made other genres with penchant for drama , as Minnelli shot important pics , such as : "Madame Bovary¨ , ¨Lust For Life¨ , ¨The Pirate¨ , ¨An American in París¨, ¨ Meet me in St Louis¨, ¨Ziegfeld Follies¨ , ¨The Clock¨, ¨Home from the Hill¨, ¨Father of the Bride¨ , ¨The band wagon¨, ¨The Cobweb¨ , ¨Tea and sympathy¨ , ¨The Reluctant Debutante¨ , ¨Some Came running¨ , ¨Yolanda and the Thief " , among others . Rating : 7.5/10 . Better than average .
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