Top Acting and Story for a Difficult Subject
28 November 2021
A well-done film of the raucous Civil Rights era, and should be standard viewing in classrooms.

Here's my breakdown:

STORY: Up front, it's only lightly dramatic, fueled by the socially-supported bigotry of that era.

What's very clever about this film is the way the story reveals itself in stages.

It's one of the best stories in that regard; it actually just gets better as the film progressives.

If you're not interested in the race struggles of that era then this film may not interest you.

ACTING: Even with a swath of "dumb redneck" characters, the whole cast are believable and hold their characters well.

Of course, Poitier and Steiger are simply awesome on their own and fireworks together. Really superb blend.

TEMPO: An excellent pace with nothing hyper or dull. With Steiger there's a lot of yelling (as was his custom).

CINEMATOGRAPHY: Love old films, and settings all by themselves. If you want to step back into time and literally see what the "Old South" was like, watch this.

DIRECTING / WRITING: Excellent directing and writing ... so much attention to detail and the handling of the subject. My only critique is the screenplay was written by a man who did so primarily for TV, and it occasionally shows.

Is it a very good film? Yes.

Should you watch this once? A must.

Rating: 8.1.
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