A Loud House Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
A Fantastic Watch!
1 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I've got a lot of things to say. There's gonna be spoilers ahead.

So, being a fan of The Loud House for around 4 years now, I got super giddy when I found out there was a live action movie coming out. I'd start squealing and jumping around whenever a new behind the scenes episode comes out, marking my calendar repeatedly for the awaited day.

Okay, but that last part is exaggerated. But the point is, I was super excited to watch the film.

Where do I begin? The casting is amazing! It's like The Loud House characters literally jumped out of the toon and into real life! This ain't no exaggeration, just plain truth. Along with this, is the amazing props and realistic places they used. I'm seriously awestruck by the accuracy and effort put into this movie. They managed to nail the replication of the entire show, from Franklin Avenue 1216, to the Downtown Mall. It's all really amazing.

But of course, nothing really beats the original, as people say. I'll have to agree that seeing them animated feels much better for some reasons. Beginning with their voices, it just doesn't sound the same. Though, Leni, Lisa, Luan, the twins, Rip Hardcore, Katherine Mulligan, Lynn Senior, and Lincoln and Clyde were terrifyingly accurate. Luna's singing voice in real life is just as good in the cartoon, but Sophia Woodward's speaking voice doesn't match with how raspy Nika Futterman's voice is. I'd say it's close enough!

About the plot itself, it's really generic. It brings me back to the season 1 theme with Lincoln being a selfish jerk to his sisters. I try to mentally justify his actions by thinking "Dude scooped poop and did all that stuff just for his hard work to blow up on his face!". But still, that doesn't really conceal the enormous weight and grief he had caused to not just his sisters, but also the whole town. Pretty hardcore for a 12 year old kid. I mean seriously, what happened to his character development?

I found it really sweet though by the ending when Lincoln admit to his faults and they all hug it out. It's a cliche back in the first few seasons of The Loud House, but knowing how season 5 was, I'd say seeing the whole family have their group hug following the first movie is a blessing. Thank you, Loud crew.

Moving on, I can't really compare this Christmas movie to the first one on a personal level. They're both awesome and entertaining movies, but they all cover different themes and issues. Though, they do show Lincoln's much more insecure side, and I like that touch of realism. But the fact that it's been getting more childish and fantastical is kinda bugging me. Like, are people in this film actually believing that a Sharkodile exists? They could've added a scene where the people were suspicious or something, which ends up with Lincoln crossing the threshold and end up doing something that convinces them that it's real.

I found the movie shorter than expected. But all in all, it's humorous in every way. I was laughing all the way! They've done a really good job in this movie, unrealistic plot and generic storyline aside. I'm giving it a 7 out of 10, for the good cast, and awesome backgrounds making up for the plot. Would recommend!
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