Silent Night (I) (2021)
The Anti-Hallmark Christmas Movie
3 December 2021
Every so often, a movie like this pops up around this time of year as a sort of Anti-Hallmark Christmas Movie. Some movies like Krampus can be fun and thought-provoking. But this film isn't fun or thought-provoking. The only reason I watched this is that I liked the cast. But they couldn't save this mess. It's Christmas, and a family gathers for one last time as there is a plosion or something that is supposedly going to kill them all. Or they may just kill themselves. It's kind of vague at the start. It's like M Night Shyamalan's The Happening at Christmas. Kind of. I won't spoil anything, but the main conflict is whether you want a painless death or take your chances knowing you might have a painful death. While this could be an interesting premise, it doesn't work here. The characters are all jerks and unlikeable except Art (the kid from JoJo Rabbit). I didn't relate to any of them at all. I also didn't like that this film was kind of preachy, and it seemed to promote conspiracy theories. Supposedly they started making this film pre-Covid-19 and then, so I'll give them a pass on some aspects of the story. However, it still feels awkward watching it now, and I doubt that it will age well. Also, I find it hard to believe that the government would give its people suicide pills. They didn't even give us a mask, lol. In real life, they would be like, the economy can't take this. You just have to do your best. Or they would let people fend for themselves. The only redeeming part of this movie is Roman Griffin Davis, who proves again that he is a great actor. I love Keira Knightly, but this isn't one of her better performances, and honestly, I feel like she could do better. She has done better. If this movie sounds interesting to you, go watch Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, The Walking Dead, or, I never thought I say this, The Happening.
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