Second Coming (2014)
A film about Nothing
24 December 2021
I am angry with myself for watching this pointless movie. I had been listening to the BBC critic, Mark Kermode, interviewing the director of the movie and I was unimpressed with her refusal to divulge much about the movie but he was so full of praise and repeatedly asked her questions which he had asked before and got no answers. He praised the movie so much that I thought I should watch it because it was, at any rate, supposed to be a Christmas movie according to the critic who kept confusing the virgin birth with the birth of Mary without the stain of original sin, the Immaculate Conception. He must have had in mind a miraculous conception. This should have alerted me that the praise was coming from someone who did not know what he was talking about.

Well, I kept waiting for something to happen but the only action was a trip to the hospital and some fisticuffs in the school playground. Part of me was saying, "Turn it off!" and at the same time I was hearing, "The BBC thinks this is brilliant. Wait." What a dope I was. All the actors did was eat and mumble unintelligible text in broken sentences. I thought maybe I need my hearing examined. But No; I need my head examined for wasting so much time watching, Second Coming.
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