It was essentially "Outbreak" on crack...
14 January 2022
Well, if you take the 1995 American movie "Outbreak" then up the craziness by 50%, then you have the 1996 Hong Kong movie "Yi boh lai beng duk" (aka "Ebola Syndrome").

And of course there is not a shadow of a doubt that writer Ting Chau was cashing in on the success of "Outbreak", especially given the similarities between the two movies and the fact that they were just 1 year apart. But at the same time, writer Ting Chau managed to set "Yi boh lai beng duk" apart from "Outbreak", as the Hong Kong movie went over the top.

The storyline told in "Yi boh lai beng duk", as written by Ting Chau, was for the most part actually interesting enough. The movie derailed a couple of times along the course, but for the most part then director Herman Yau did manage to churn out of an enjoyable enough movie.

Oddly enough, then I haven't gotten around to watch "Yi boh lai beng duk" before now in 2022, despite of having the chance to do so a couple of times since it was initially released. I must admit that it was because I wasn't a particular fan of lead actor Anthony Chau-Sang Wong when I was younger, but that has definitely changed with time.

"Yi boh lai beng duk" is by no means a milestone in Hong Kong cinema, and the movie was watchable enough for the cheesy and campy rip off of "Outbreak" that it was. The movie is, however, suitable only for a single viewing, as the contents to the storyline just doesn't really have what it takes to support more than a single viewing.

The movie has not only Anthony Chau-Sang Wong, but also Miu-Ying Chan and Fui-On Shing. So there are some familiar faces to those well-traversed in the Hong Kong cinema.

Ultimately, then I was adequately entertained by "Yi boh lai beng duk", though it wasn't an outstanding movie experience. So I hadn't been missing out on much.

My rating of "Yi boh lai beng duk" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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