Don't Look Up (2021)
Well, that's two and a half hours I'll never get back.
19 January 2022
The first time I heard of this movie was around November 2020, which is when I was scrolling through IMDb and saw the cast list. And my first thought was "oh boy, this is going to be s**t". And won't you look at that: I was right.

Now, at its best, a satirical comedy can deliver a perfectly crafted "oh, damn" sensation to the viewer. At its worst, you get a bloated, boring, unfunny and overdone mess. Unfortunately, Don't Look Up falls into the latter category.

Don't Look Up has got to be the most annoyingly in-my-face movie I have ever seen. I mean, never before have I seen a movie that spoon-feeds you its message like you're 5. Like, we get it, comet, we're all gonna die, climate change, you couldn't even *try* to somehow make it a little less... well.... literal? The ending was obvious, the suspense was s**tty, and it was just so loud and in your face and LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! All the time that it was hard to focus on much else. It just had so much potential, but really didn't go there.

And it's not even like the plot is particularly interesting. Everything that happened in it is just so damn predictable. I'm not saying that it's devoid of good humour - I've got to admit, there were some good moments (really enjoyed the running joke of paying for the snacks!) - but it drags so much that any good humour is diluted to tiny islands in a sea of utter boredom. Speaking of boredom, it was just so long. Like, around the middle, I started counting minutes. Seriously, like half of this could have been cut. And the editing was eye-watering to say the least.

I feel like McKay was trying too hard to relate to the younger generation to the point when it just got kind of annoying. Like, you know those "hello fellow teenagers, sup" people out there? Make that into a movie. There you go.

Here's my biggest problem, though: the ensemble cast. Don't get me wrong, I love a good old ensemble cast - Trial of the Chicago 7, I loved. But the problem is that it seems like 90% of the film's $75m budget went towards the cast and none went to the script. I mean, Ariana Grande and Kid Cudi were in it for two scenes... but were somehow billed ABOVE Meryl Streep, one of the main characters apart from the main two protagonists! Besides, I thought we said we weren't going to cast famous singers who couldn't act.

I mean, it is relevant, and I get what people were trying to say, but in the end, McKay just didn't quite stick the landing.

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