Second Review - even more damning
28 January 2022
Well, for some reason, my first review of this show didn't pass the censors. I must have said something a little too controversial (I don't remember what). In this my second attempt, I will try to explain how my problem with this show has nothing to so with its subject matter. Indeed it is an intriguing premise which would have been interesting to watch if it hadn't been then put into the sausage making machine that is genre TV. For some reason, everything even vaguely apocalyptic ends up looking like Mad Max. Characters become caricatures. Storylines become a series of situations while characters are on a quest. This show does not examine what would happen if men disappeared. It's just a hokey premise from which to thrust us into the generic script land of a hundred other similar shows or films. They all have a different jumping off point, but then they just apply the same scripts and cross out character names to replace with the ones they have thought up for this show. They even hire similar actors to fill the roles from one show to the next. This is bland, dull and boring TV at its worst. I cannot tell you just how tired all this crap makes me.
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