Review of Moonfall

Moonfall (2022)
Just when you thought Fast 9 is the most ridiculous movie ever made...
4 February 2022
Watching the trailer, I stuck with Zendaya's MJ's rule; 'Expect disappointment so that you can never really be disappointed.' Except that this was beyond worse than what we had imagined.

I like the idea of the film, that the moon is a threat to humanity. It's different but that's the only excellent thing to say about it. Other than that, it's a threat to our IQ.

The biggest fault with Moonfall is that it fails to project the most basic principle to making a good disaster film which is creating a sense of fear for the audience. It almost doesn't have any, resulting in a boring entry. I did not get scared or restless, it didn't connect with me on a deeper level and it certainly doesn't have a good story to keep us at the edge of our seat hence, I couldn't care less if anyone dies. I didn't have the urgency to follow all the important people trying to put a stop from the catastrophic event because they throw all stakes out the window just like the Fast & Furious franchise. The main characters are ordinary people built extraordinarily strong.

Adding the grim fact that Moonfall includes aliens composed of A. I and technology while also trying to relate to the audience by making it realistic, it falls down to the bottom of the abyss quickly. It doesn't work like other alien-based films like Prometheus or War of the Worlds did where they succeed in creating fear, showing people panicking while sucking us inside the experience.

Yes, we are supposed to surrender from the sheer silliness of it but how can we when we are made to believe that its law of physics and world principles should follow ours and they broke every threshold to the point that we feel like this is a spin-off of the Transformers franchise.

This marketed end-of-the-world disaster flick film is extremely ridiculous, even if you suspend your disbelief, you would never get your head around the plot. Not because you're dumb, but because the movie is, and I mean REALLY, REALLY dumb. It's like it's been written by Roland Emmerich's son and his dad helped him by putting scientific jargons to make it believable. Only if it did. 😩 And here I thought Independence Day 2: Resurgence was a trash, Moonfall is a shame to humanity's existence.

Usually the end of the world presents seas of people running away, but Moonfall doesn't. It's a blockbuster movie about apocalypse and yet, it feels small at times. There even isn't that many shots that 'wow' us with horrific sceneries or powerful images like 2012 or The Day After Tomorrow. Even the CGI isn't all that good especially when a person is talking mid-shot and the CGI looks awful in the background.

Now don't get me started with the cheap comedy. I'm confused whether it's intended to make us annoyed or laugh cause I didn't laugh one bit and neither did the audience I was with.

I know loving or hating a film is fully entitled to a person's taste and opinion but this movie is so bad, I dare to say this; if you like the film, you are an immature person and you have a bad taste.

Okay, maybe some of you are asking me to calm down as you're reading this but imagine the hundreds or thousands of scripts just stacking there in the room, unread because it's written by a nobody or it's got some minor English errors. And they chose this to be greenlit amongst those??? It saddens me that the political game of the Hollywood industry has come to this. Emmerich was a great director but his ideas have now diluted less and less.

Verdict: Just when you thought Fast 9 is the most ridiculous film ever made, Moonfall steals the baton happily from its opponent. By far, the worst film of 2022.
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