Life of Brian (1979)
I'm A Christian And I Think That This Is The Greatest Comedy Movie Ever Made.
7 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Monty Python's The Life of Brian is notorious for offending many Christians- especially at the time of it's release 43 years ago- despite many of these protesters being non-viewers. However, I'm a Christian and this my pick for the greatest comedy ever made. (Like how Citizen Kane is the greatest movie ever made. My personal favorite is The Birdcage.)

The plot follows Brian, a man who was born next to Jesus on the same night. As Brian gets older, HE is mistaken for The Messiah, which results in unwanted followers and accidental crucifixion.

While the film is clearly a satire on the Christian faith, and religion in general, there is actually less to be offended by then one might think. For one thing, this movie is not necessarily an attack on Jesus or His message. In fact, this movie is not really about Christ Himself.

He only appears twice in the film, once at the Nativity (the wisemen mistake Brian for Jesus and almost give him their gifts), and later in The Sermon on the Mount, where people far from Him mishear what He is teaching:

"Blessed are the cheesemakers? What's so special about the cheesemakers?"

"Well, obviously it's not meant to be taken literally, it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products."

The movie's intention is not necessarily to attack faith or make religious people change their mind, the message is to avoid BLIND faith. This is shown in a couple of well done scenes.

First, there is a scene where Brian, at his house, tells his followers that they are individuals. The crowd ironically agrees and says: "Yes, we are all individuals!" "You have to think for yourselves!" "Yes, we have to think for ourselves!"

In another scene, Brian can't convince his followers that he isn't The Messiah, so he gives up and says that he is, to which they all excitedly bow to him. Brian then shouts: "Now, F off!" to which one person replies: "How should we F off, oh lord?"

These scenes, while silly, do a great job of showing the movie's aforementioned message. While the Python crew are atheists, they don't seem to be making a movie saying: "Be an atheist, religion is blind." It's really saying: "Don't just believe because the crowd does." If you think through your faith and still believe, that's great, but make sure your personal faith truly is your own.

Apart from the message, the movie is of course very funny, and has many moments that have me laughing quite loud. Some jokes are quite offensive, but work within the context.

For example, early in the movie, Brian badmouths a Roman, and his mother sets him aside and admits that he is half-Roman. "Do you mean you were raped?" He asks, shocked. His mother then responds: "Well, at first yes."

It's the most messed up joke I've ever heard in a movie, but The Python crew manages to make it work within it's context- though of course no movie would have that kind of humor now.

The movie's opening credits also have a song that parodies the opening of a James Bond film, singing about how Brian grew up into a man. This includes this hilarious line:

"And his voice dropped down low, and things started to grow, on young Brian and show, he was certainly girl named Brian! Not a girl named Brian!"

Speaking of songs, the movie concludes with perhaps the most famous song in Monty Python, Always Look On The Bright Side of Life. I just watched the movie for the 3rd time, and I played that song twice- it's that catchy. And it makes for one of the best endings in cinema history.

It's really hard to discuss why Life of Brian is such a great movie without getting into these spoilers. There are many funny and thought-provoking moments- this review barely scratches the surface. Hopefully, however, I have exemplified why this is the best comedy movie I have ever seen. It's one of the silliest yet provocative movies ever produced.

While some may find this film offensive (though this movie is targeting you if that's the case), Life of Brian makes for a great comedy with great laughs, a great story, and an interesting message on top of that. And that's more than enough to call this the greatest comedy movie ever made.
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