Review of Hemlock Grove

Hemlock Grove (2013–2015)
comedic gold.
20 March 2022
Its god-awful. Absolute fever dream, this entire series is nothing but a Benadryl hallucination. And I love it. Don't get me wrong, the acting is terrible most of the time, the writing is terrible all of the time, and its seriously trying too hard to be like the more successful of this genre such as penny dreadful, american horror story, true blood, whatever. It fails miserably at that but at least it hasn't fallen down the rabbit hole Riverdale did. It's still incredibly entertaining to watch once you get past the bone contracting line delivery and crazy plot lines.

Some of the characters are insufferable, like Olivia Godfrey, Peter Romancek's mother, Christina Wendell and Clementine. The mothers' in this show are constantly teetering that line between loving and incestous with their sons. Peters as dull as an earring back, Letha has no personality and it grows to be quite annoying. She's just always there, face planting into something that doesn't involve her. Olivia is embarrassingly trying to be as milf-y as she possibly can and its pretty pathetic. She comes off as desperate and entitled. Her wardrobe is hideous and unflattering despite her efforts and she literally sounds like a back alley version of Edna from The Incredibles, I expected a lot more from Famke Janssen, even with the character she's been given. Though it is hilarious to watch.

I can confidently say that Shelley, Roman and Johann Pryce are the very best characters in this show. Roman and shelley's relationship, Bill Skarsgard's performance in every scene he does, and Pryce's entire character save this show. And make it so damn fun to watch. Shelley's epic, she just great. Roman is also great, he has issues yes. And he has done some pretty bad shit. Like really bad. But his character is just so fucking realistic in the best way. He acts like an actual teenage boy and its refreshing. The lingo, the walks, the confidence that really shouldn't be as much as it is and the fact that he's the richest, most attractive guy in town and has not acquired a single friend is down-right perfect. He's also extremely funny. During that dream sequence in early season 1. And he just yells at the birds something along the lines of "stupid ass birds!" and they just stop flying. Like mid-air and just fall into the river immediately. Great stuff. And Pryce is so attractive, his strength, Joel's acting, his facial expressions. It all ties together so perfectly. I just find him so hot and thats the sole reason i watch this show so much. Don't get me wrong, terrible show I don't recommend it.

But it's something to watch when theres nothing else, and maybe grab a friend while you're at it. Having a good laugh with someone you care about is a nice feeling. Just maybe not a sibling or parent, its rather sexual and like i said... incestuous at times.
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