Luther: Episode #1.5 (2010)
Season 1, Episode 5
A super confusing episode that made NO SENSE at all
22 April 2022
This is one of the most confusing episodes of a TV show I've ever seen and it was absolute nonsense from beginning to the end. Apart from all the plot holes and tons of continuity errors within the episode, none of the characters acted in a consistent manner that made an ounce of sense in the entire episode. It's as if they wanted to film the most confusing episode of a TV show ever made just to mess with people.

They didn't really explain anything and why anyone behaved the way they did including Ian. What's Ian even doing in this episode and why is he even doing any of the things he's doing? His behavior was totally random as if he just rolled some dice and acted in total random way that made zero sense whatsoever. In every single scene, he acted like a totally different person. Does Ian have 7-split personalities or what?

Also how did they find the bad guys that easily within minutes without any evidence or actual detective work? Just go to the airport, ask a random guy in a car if he makes fake passports and he just happens to know where the bad guy is. Are you kidding me? Was this episode written by a 12 year old kid who was high on extreme amounts of sugar? What happened to common sense these days?

I guess an episode can totally lack common sense and still get 9/10 rating when there are so many fake reviews that are posted for promotion purposes.
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