Outer Range (2022– )
So far, one of the best and most refreshing scifi tv of recent years.
2 May 2022
Great slow moody pace which of course infuriates all hollywood blockbuster fans, really intringuing storyline and somehow a cross between something like the german Dark on netflix, the x files, twilight zone and a touch of twin peaks.

Im on episode five and so far its great. If you like good scifi mysteries that dont seem scifi at first glance and you are not in a hurry to see marvel comics action stuff , this might be a good show for you. Great cast but Brolin as usual dominates the screen. Will Patton once again excellent too.

I hope it does not get cancelled before it resolves the mystery because im sure all popcorn movie goers are absolutely hating this excellent scifi with a cool indie feel.

If 2001 is more your thing than the latest marvel popcorn give Outer Range a go.
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