Firestarter (2022)
13 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Having heard little to nothing about this film until a few weeks prior, & the 1984 original, I wasn't expecting too much. Jeez, even the previews weren't exactly selling it to me, but, nonetheless, I went to see this as it was a horror & it at least sounded somewhat interesting...

The film sees a girl named Charlie who has special powers after her parents, also granted powers, find themselves on the run from scientists & agents who want to use Charlie for their own purposes.

I found the film to be pretty disappointing. The story just plods along & along & gets nowhere as if the pacing isn't bad enough, nothing interesting or great happens for 90 minutes. The plot itself is just flat, uninspiring & dull as. The characters are flat as with the dialogue & acting. The action while ok, could've been better, way, way better. It was pretty uninspiring & there was a pretty weak body count to this also. The part with the cat being singed was out right vile & unnecessary. The ending was just... what? It made no sense...

Overall, it's a 1 hour & 30 minute fizzler. The plot is dull. The action is pathetic despite the epic fire effects which I'll admit are ace. The characters looks uncaring & boring as with the film sets also. The film lacked life & the plodding story, boring film sets & characters really didn't help.

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