Review of Pistol

Pistol (2022)
Cartoon characters & utterly subjective
2 June 2022
I get this is based on "lonely Boy" by Steve Jones, but if this is to be believed, then Jones learnt guitar in 4 days, thought up every single step of the pistols career (with MaClaren) ,and apart from John's words, everyone else is merely there to keep Jonesy on his toes so he can be the real boss.

Lydon is made out as a petty twisted bitter moaner Matlock as a simpleton Cook , well he's beige really Sid seems to be well represented, he comes across as he does in Lydons books And Malcolm is portrayed as a this utterly brilliant Svengali,which he wasn't

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot to love such as the acting from the young cast which is outstanding, the soundtrack is exceptional, and I loved the inclusion of Pauline & the Chrissie Hynde storylines.

But overall it's completely one sided , visually it's excellent, but it seems unfinished.

I know John feels he should of been involved (Boyle claims he asked him) but there's 2 Lydon autobiographies that the writers could of used for additional perspective.

Could of been should of been but wasn't.
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