A bland cherry
16 June 2022
'Redemption in Cherry Springs' was mainly seen for Hallmark film completest sake. As said more than once, their 2021 output was very uneven (with their Christmas films particularly varying) but generally could have been worse. It was also seen because the idea of the story had real potential to be intriguing and moving. What little has been seen of the leads, with a little more familiarity with Rochelle Aytes, has been uneven in performances and filmography but never unwatchable.

This film however had all the right ingredients for a decent film and had a good idea. It is a shame that not enough, in fact little, is done with it. Really wanted to like it and it has good things, but the story for 'Redemption in Cherry Springs' was severely wanting. It's not one of the very worst Hallmark films of 2021 (the worst being very weak whereas this was mediocre), but it's in the lesser half and one of the weaker mystery oriented films of theirs for that year.

Am going to begin with the good. Aytes and Keith D. Robinson are amiable and engaging enough leads, with Aytes being particularly heartfelt, and Frankie Faison is solid support.

It also looks good, beautiful scenery accompanied very well by some atmospheric photography. The music is pleasant enough and some of the investigating intrigues.

Unfortunately, the story and pacing in 'Redemption in Cherry Springs' are very messy. The first half is wafer thin and slow going, and while the second half does pick up it's not for the better. Due to a lot of jumping about and too many events rushed through. The mystery did sound intriguing but lacked suspense, had too many loose ends and the lack of realism and surprises spoil the film.

Some of the content could have been elaborated upon a lot more, will agree that the ending and the identity of the perpetrator were too vague. A longer length would have helped, like five minutes more to round the mystery off more. The chemistry between the two leads felt very undercooked, there is a little spark but it never really ignites and plays second fiddle to the investigating and mystery. While the actors perform well, the character writing is shallow and Aytes' character's decision making and rookie errors really frustrate and distract from what's happening in the story. The dialogue is very stilted and mundane and tends too much to over explain, too much tell and not enough show.

Overall, mediocre but at least the acting and production values were decent. 4/10.
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