If you are looking for a good action film this fails to enthrall.
1 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Casting in this film was a problem. Jamie King was the wrong actress for the lead character as she was incapable of holding her gun without the gun shaking all over the place. Every scene where she holds the gun at arms length, and there are many, the gun is moving every where except where it should be. A shooter needs to have a dead steady consistent hold if they don't they can not shoot reliably. It was so bad in some scenes I thought the only safe place would be in front of that gun. The many shoot outs were too long, and were dull and not very exciting. They tried to do some of the shooting close combat we came to be familiar in the John Wick series, and failed to even come close. What was worse all of the shoot outs occurred in very dark scenes so that you really could not see any of the action except as vague impressions of gross movement.

Antonio Banderas must be sorry he was part of this project. Although his scenes were alright, there was just not enough story here for any actor to really shine. I thought his death scene was under whelming.

30 minutes could have easily been cut from this film without it badly effecting the story. In fact if most of the gun fights were cut it might have been a better picture.
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