Breast Men (1997 TV Movie)
Great movie on telling what really happened
9 July 2022
My mom got breast augmentation when I was 3 , so around 1984. Fast forward to 1986 she started having autoimmune issues. Her hair was falling out in clumps, her menstrual cycle was off. Lots of red flags were popping up health wise. Doctors couldn't diagnose what was happening to her. Years later they realized the silicone implants were leaking and causing health issues. She finally had them removed and new ones put in in the 2001. By then it was too late, her body kept declining. She passed away in 2019 at the age of 63. It broke my brother's and my heart and everyone that knew her. At the end of the day it was vanity over life. She didn't want to be flat chested , she had an image to uphold as sad as that sounds. Looking good was what she did best and her sense of humor always made her fun to be around. This movie shows the truth of what really happened to women that died of lupus, sjogren's syndrome.
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