11 July 2022
The main girl (not the actress playing her) needed a good smack. I waited the entire film, but nothing. Probably because the dad wasn't there. Kit's personality was just insufferable. She didn't come off as strong or bright. Just entitled, selfish and bratty. Even when Kit's father had to leave to find work, she still kept the same sort of personality. No growth. No change. I thought having to take in boarders would have at least been a shock to her 10 year old ego? Are real 10 year old girls THIS annoying?

I know this movie is for kids, but it felt a little TOO clean and safe. I'm not so sure how accurate of the times it portrayed. I'd guess not so accurate if some children can just walk into a "hobo jungle" (which looked more like a summer camp) and be safe. Kind of makes me want to pick up a book and read about the era though.

The costumes were nice, stylish, cute. Made me wish for the times when the men dressed like men and women dressed like women. In today's age, people can't even define what those are anymore!

I feel like I lost brain cells watching this cliche ridden film. The dialogue is horrible. I couldn't help but just complain and make jokes to myself about it. I'm just going to end here because I'm making a big deal about a stupid movie for dumb kids.
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