The Gray Man (2022)
Really wanted to like this, but it was just poorly written
21 July 2022
I love Ryan Gosling and couldn't have been more excited for his return to film after a 5 year hiatus. Big fan of Ana de Armas too and Chris Evans has always been good, and so has most of what the Russo brothers have made. So why is this movie not good? Its certainly not the lead performances which are great. It just comes down to bad writing, the scenes never make sense, you're always left asking questions - why is it the bad guy one moments wants our protagonist dead, the next moment he doesn't kill him because he needs to know where the McGuffin is, then back to killing him, then back to the McGuffin, and so it keeps switching with no rhyme or reason? And just so many completely unrealistic things happen, decisions by CIA agents that make no sense whatsoever, a few poor cartoon-like performances in the non lead roles, action scenes that are sometimes too blurry to make sense and a pretty cheesy musical score, and what you get, despite so much money put into this movie and such great stars in the lead roles, an utterly mediocre film. What a shame.
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