I liked it
31 July 2022
There was a lot going on in this movie. I looks great and voice acting was good. The pace is breakneack, but fun.

Jon Stewart is our GL this time and it is his fish out of water story. So naturally with such a character, you get a lot of heavy exposition, but I love lore.

This does however, make the movie feel bogged down in the sense of a traditional movie's pacing. They don't build their characters in the story, you'd have to be invested in these characters from prior material to even care. That can leave you feeling uncomfortable however, if one were to consider some consequences of this films plot.

It is a great 'what if' story to hypothetically reboot the GL corps. I've never read a GL comic with Jon Stewart so I cannot be sure if plot comic accurate, but it was a good enough origin. This movie wouldn't fit neatly into any other timelines, i know of. So if thats a super concern of yours walk away now.

The animation in the hand to hand fight scenes are great, space battles were a little run of the mill. I wish charcters were treated more like humans with visible emotiosn, rather than blank suits I recognize.
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