Visually great but story wise a bit inferior
13 August 2022
There's a persevering feeling of tranquility and peace in here, that not only soothes your heart and soul but it also freshens up your state of mind. Those scintillating visuals (utilizing the scenic elegance of Kerala was a terrific choice) alongside an enervating composition make for a certain surrealistic ambiance that immensely helps to build up the narrative as well as the personalities entailed.

As far as characters are concerned; all of them are vivid, lively, and fraught with exuberance thus it comes to be quite simple for us, for the viewers to establish connections on a personal level! Unfortunately, the same remark won't go well either with the core storyline or with the cultivated conflicts herein.

I am in no way suggesting, that "Kumbalangi Nights" has a poor write-up; no, as a matter of fact, they sought to comment on a bunch of prevalent societal issues; the likes of Fragile Masculinity, Casteism, Religious divide, etc. But all of those things were talked about or should I rather say presented on a surface level without any depth whatsoever! And that is something, neither did I anticipate nor did I yearn for! It's not necessarily a flaw since it's got more to do with my personal set of expectations but yes, I did want them to elaborate, which they didn't!
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