A Woman Deceived (2017 TV Movie)
Too Good of a Heart
28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The surname of William Jonathan Goodhart and his wife Liz says it all. They are both decent people with big hearts. When Liz purchases the gift of a trip to Arizona for Bill, he is thrilled with the opportunity to play cowboy at the Hidden Valley Ranch. Unfortunately, his horse is spooked by a rattlesnake, and he is thrown and dies. But was this entirely an accident?

One of our favorite actresses, Ashley Scott, stars in the role of Liz Goodhart. As a grieving widow, Liz is taken in by the charm of Travis Brown, one of the cowboys working at Hidden Valley Ranch. Miss Scott conveys the vulnerability of her character that allowed her to be seduced and duped by a rogue. She even foregoes a pre-nup agreement when she marries Travis.

At first, Travis appears to be a devoted husband and surrogate father to little Tyler, taking him fishing and schooling him in the art of being a cowboy. But it will not be happy trails when a police detective shows up at the home of Liz in Sonoma with the news that Travis is a suspect in the death of her ex-husband.

The film was successful in the location footage of Miami and the wine country of Northern California. The melodramatic conclusion was compromised only by the insertion of an extraneous character, an extra girlfriend of Travis that he seemingly picked up in Sonoma. She is a convenient plot device to help Travis escape from the mountain, where he believes he has successfully murdered Liz and Tyler by sabotaging the brake system of their car.

Still, the performances were outstanding, and the theme of having a good heart was well developed. Scammers like the gigolo Travis Brown are all too common today, especially with internet dating!!!
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