Entertaining. Loosely Based on the Lore. Green light for the future.
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
*Attention Show Spoilers ahead*

Firstly I am a die hard Tolkien fan having read the Silmarillion, Appendices, Lost tales, etc. Multiple times. And even though the stories presented in this show are not 100% lore accurate, it's still a delight to watch.

The world building, production, and multiple intriguing plot lines will suck you in and make you forgive any artistic licensing done to the story. The Visuals are outstanding. And the acting and music, while not perfection, are still very good.

Morfydd Clark is fantastic as a young Galadriel. Looking forward to how her character and acting grows over the series. She brings a feistiness and fierceness to the character of Galadriel that one could see being possible for a younger version of Galadriel without the wisdom of greater age and eons of life. Also personally really enjoyed the actor who played Gil Galad. Spot on.

As for the multiple storylines we have a young Galadriel on a mission to hunt down Sauron and destroy him for killing her brother. Family vengeance. Then we see an ancestor of the hobbits take guardianship and care over what appears to be one of the first Wizards in Middle Earth. Next we follow a young Elrond in his attempt to negotiate a working relationship between the elves and the dwarves as part of his apprenticeship to Celebrimbor (a renowned elven smith). And finally we have an elven scout on the Elvish outlying border investigating a mysterious destruction of a town to find its source.

As you can see a lot going on in this show. And it's only the first 2 episodes. My hope is that we see the writers condense the multiple directions down to 1 or 2 storylines so it's not so busy in the future. Otherwise it could be too much at once.

Still a great start with a lot of potential. Well worth watching and any Lord of the Rings fan will enjoy it. Fingers crossed for episodes to come!!!
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