Britannia (2017– )
Where to even begin? Let's just say this show is frustrating.
15 September 2022
This had so much potential and good bones of an interesting historical fiction, fantasy drama. But oh boy did it ever go south and fast. Season 3 was absolutely a travesty and a bore. It had great bones from the start but they wasted so much talent and turned the show upside down and made no sense by the end. Hemple is absolutely unbearable and unbelievable and such a bore to watch. It was like nails on a chalkboard with her. And poor Cait was given the worst script and plot line when she should have been the star of the show but you honestly barely get to understand or know her or see her truly. So much wasted scenes and time on nonsense and jokes with Phelan. He was the comic relief I guess but really should have been killed off long ago. He was pointless.

All the men are basically turned into weakling jokesters by the end. The women are propped up as the saviors of the day at every turn but then given no substance at all. Hella seemed like she'd be interesting but nope they bombed her character. Aulus was this strong mighty Roman General and then a "whipped" dude at the end who couldn't stand up to Hemple. Now she's the star? She was ridiculous.

Let us not even forget the HORRID music!!!! The intro/outtro music and all the stuff in the show. It was like watching a 1970s acid trip basically with the music they paired with it all. It ruined whatever mediocrity it had to spare and sent it down the looking glass with Alice and the White Rabbit. Surprised they didn't actually use that song by Jefferson Airplane LOL. That's essentially what all the music sounded like. It honestly may have even been an improvement on the music! I always had to mute it or FF past the musical parts it was so bad and so ill fitting. You want the music to transform you to a place in time and set the tone/mood etc. This had to be the worst show ever to use such out of place music throughout.

I guess I'm just frustrated. This show basically takes you on an endless loop of nonsense you'll never get answers to basically the show LOST in 70AD on Acid. We don't even know if there will be a 4th season and yet they write a show with no ending and endless loops and loose ends. So a waste of time with possibly no conclusion. Or a very disturbing one if that's what we're left with at end of season 3.
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