Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
This movie just shows that people can't do humor like they used to- this is comedy without the laughs
1 October 2022
Not bad but super lackluster compared to the original!

It lacked sincerity and feeling. In fact, I didn't feel much of anything throughout except frustration. Whereas the first one made me laugh and cry the whole way through, this one was really ho-hum, except for the very end- and I only laughed once!

Like I said, there is a feeling of insincerity to this one. It's basically a parody of itself, whereas the original feels like a genuine classic. And a lot of the stuff in this felt forced and just annoying.

Also, no Max, Dani, or Allison in this one, and I was really looking forward to their return!

Glad I watched, but overall, a letdown and super lame.

UPDATE: Okay, it's only lame in comparison to the original, but not lame overall. I just can't stay mad at a Hocus Pocus movie- anything with these 3 sisters is cool with me, and I hope there are more sequels!
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