Review of 54

54 (1998)
Movie titled under false pretenses
12 October 2022
I remember when this movie came out and the reviews for it were terrible back then. I'm sitting here over 20 years later watching it again for some reason and I remember why they were so terrible.

The movie is unfortunately not about the salaciously real story involving the infamous night club's owner, Steve Rubell, and the dirty way he ran it into the ground with his greed. This is nothing more than a club movie slapped with the 54 title to rope people into watching it, glossing over the true backstory of how Rubell created one of the biggest nightclubs in the world but then just a few years later after it's creation, brought it crashing to the ground through years of stealing and tax evasion.

The real story is interesting, however this one isn't. Mike Myers looks confused as how to play the infamous Rubell, stuck between Austin Powers and Wayne Campbell while lead actor Ryan Phillipe gives his usual performance wear seems like he's grimacing most of the time to hold in having to take a crap. Which was like all of his performances, painful to watch and nothing but crap. No wonder the dude isn't acting anymore, he was awful back then.

The only performance I can't understand why she got a bad review by some people was Neve Campbell. I found her character fairly interesting, even though it was slightly misplaced. Like most of this movie, it was jumbled up and the real story was glossed over which would have been a lot more interesting to see. But this was nothing more than a club piece dressed up with the title.

If you want to watch a club movie that has little to do with the actual club and is essentially nothing more than dudes walking around half naked then this will definitely be for you.
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