better off watching YouTube shorts
20 October 2022
A massively huge T U R D rolling slowly down hill toward YOU and you are paralyzed. Good luck with that!

Roiland has now been noticed by those with big wallets and he seems to be seizing the moment. All I can say to him is "good for you!" He's clearly earned it.

Let's hope he's squirreling his money away, because it looks like those wallets will be closing soon!

My gawd, I barely made it through two episodes of Solar Opposites!! It's EXACTLY like Rick and Morty, but on a different network! Again, good for him, but we don't need this at all.

Then season 6 of Rick and Morty was looking like it might finally be a return to form. Until episode 5 and 6. The last one was just f r e a k i n g unbearable. For me, at least, that show went out on sort of a good note: 4 out of 6 episodes is a pretty good score. But, I'm done. It's now way past over-saturation.

And now this Paloni stuff. Are they random, poorly developed characters thrown together merely to let Roiland "host" the show AND to see if he can actually create new characters for Hulu to own? Or, gasp, are they truly thinking the Palonis are going to get their own show now? My gawd, can you imagine two almost IDENTICAL Roiland shows on Hulu? (Which are, sigh, IDENTICAL to Rick and Morty!!)

Yeah, it's boring. Not funny. You see the jokes coming miles away. Plus, the new characters, as I said, are really under developed. We meet them outside their house and never learn much about any of them to care.

Then the anthology of YouTube quality shorts (think Adult Swim, I guess?). Wow. Again, you see the gags coming a mile away. Some bad, no terrible animation and even worse voice work. Gottfried is here in his last role and it's... super predictable and underwhelming. His great voice is almost miscast here, as it doesn't quite fit the character at all.

Then we get to the super anticipated Simon Hanselmann piece! I've been a huge fan of Megg & Mogg for years now, so this was going to be the high point for me! But.. it wasn't. The voice actors brought NOTHING to their job that day. I wonder if anyone trained as a voice director was anywhere near the studio that day? Absolutely boring acting. The script seemed loosely based on a previous comic, so this felt like Hanselmann just lazily handed a comic to the director and then went home to his new million dollar mansion and forgot to check in. Utterly flat, boring and predictable with no character depth. Too bad. Fans will already know the depth, but new viewers will be stumped. Shameful.

The rest of the shorts should have stayed on YouTube. No reason to bring them to Hulu or any other network. I can totally see hiring YouTube animators, and giving them a budget and team... but to just shuffle them from one to another did nothing. The quality was crap all around and the scripts were in dire need of a script doctor (surely Hulu can help out a bit??).

I don't know who did the Junji Ito-like apple story, but that one worked out pretty good. The animation was amazingly great and top notch. Reminded me of bits in Otomo's Akira. The story was so-so, but not great.

The wrap around Paloni stuff concluded and I decided to avoid anything by Roiland from now on. The crazy rambling/ranting thing he did for Rick was fun, but now it's everywhere and it's wayyyyy past time to leave.
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