Review of Piggy

Piggy (2022)
Making Bacon - Very Good
23 October 2022
I watched this as part of my ménage a un Shocktober season of horror films. Based on the description I thought this would be another rip-off of Carrie, but it far exceeded my expectations.

Overweight, teenage butcher and hunter, Sara (played by Laura Galán) is bullied by her seemingly more attractive and popular classmates. She is nicknamed Piggy. After a chance encounter with an almost mute maleweirdo at the swimming pool her classmates start to go missing.

This isn't a film for the ages like Halloween or Dawn of the Dead. It is a violent slasher film bordering on the torture porn subgenre of films like Wolf Creek and Calvaire (The Ordeal). The film captures the mentality of small town gossip. The film is helped immensely by some effective cinematography that captures the Spanish countryside and convincing acting. Laura Galán could be one to watch for the future, but how many times have we said that? Jamie Bell, anyone?

Well worth a watch as a shocking, effective horror, but doesn't innovate.
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