A Lot Like Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
You, me and Christmas trees
26 October 2022
Having been watching more Christmas films for a while now, since 2019 but becoming more regular each year. Namely those from Hallmark and Lifetime, with very variable success, with some UPTV and ION films too. Only got into the newly formed GAC Family films fairly recently, and like Hallmark, Lifetime etc. There are good films, some bad ones and some in between. Have liked Maggie Lawson and Christopher Russell in other things, though their work in acting and filmography are hit and miss.

'A Lot Like Christmas' is one of the in between efforts for GAC, and while it is a good representation of Russell Lawson has been a lot better in other films of hers. 'A Lot Like Christmas' was more or less what was expected. It didn't exceed expectations, but it is a long way from a waste of potential. Instead it sounded like potentially it would be a pleasant enough diversion with a number of good things and a few big drawbacks, and 'A Lot Like Christmas' turned out to be pretty much exactly that.

Russell gives a very sincere and charming performance in his role, and his character up to a point comes over as very amiable. Lawson has moments of perky charm. The supporting cast do well, despite their characters being stock and ones seen many times in similar films.

It looks good, lovely scenery and slickly shot. The music is pleasant and fits tonally enough, the placement also not getting too much.

For my tastes, Lawson on the whole tries too hard and her character goes overboard on the too eager to please side. Her chemistry with Russell isn't really there, pretty lacklustre, especially later on when the conflict kicks in and when Lawson's acting becomes particularly overdone. Also lost a lot of respect for Clay when his secret came out, a secret that was handled in a contrived and predictable way and a very mean spirited one. Which is a big reason as to why the ending didn't ring true. The conflict that it causes felt very forced.

The dialogue tends to be flat and stilted and also rather soapy in the final act. The story is one of those doing nothing new with familiar ground ones, so the predictability is excessive and nothing here feels fleshed out enough. The pacing tends to drag and the charm, light hearted-ness and heart are missing, especially later on. It is easy to predict what the ending is, but part of me really didn't want it to happen and that it would do something different but it went down the too easily resolved route.

Watchable but nothing special. 5/10.
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