Game of Thrones: The Wolf and the Lion (2011)
Season 1, Episode 5
The Wolf and the Lion, S1 EP5 review
1 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Soundtrack : (9.4/10) Dialogue : (9.7/10) Story : (9.6/10) Cinematography : (9.3/10) Character development : (9.6/10) Conflict : (9.6/10) Excitement : (9.6/10) Reasonableness : (9.8/10) Overall : (9.6/10)

Pros :

  • the starter scene is sooo gooood!!! I love Ser Barisstan's talk with Ned. We get some knowledge on their combat skills and a bit of Ned father's backstory.

  • Robert is a mad lad. His jokes are creative and wholesome. His relationship with Ned enhances these jokes because of how Ned focuses on duty while Robert wants to have fun.

  • The journey we experience in Kingslanding with Ned is so great. The fact that we both are new to Kingslanding gives the reveal of the truth a surprising taste.

  • the combat scene between The Hound and The Mountain is amazing. Is so cool seeing The Hound both kneeling to his king when asked while dodging a strike.

  • The attack on Tyrion was equally amazing. The fact that Tyrion chose to save Catelyn than fleeing off says a lot about him.

  • The scene where Bran is learning about the houses are so cleverly written. We get so much exposition about the world while learning more about Bran.

  • Varys informing Ned about Robert and his fate is crazy. I love how we are playing the detective role with Ned and getting dangerous information from other characters shows us how dangerous Kinglanding is. This is proven by the scene where Arya listens to Varys and Ilyrio's talk.

  • God how beautiful Baelish and Varys's battle is. The dialogue is mind blowing and shows how clever these characters are. The real game of thrones is between them.

  • Arya's replies to the guards are hilarious and makes me lover her to death.

  • Lysa is crazy. Great introductory scene.

-the small council scene is so well written. An interesting discussion occurs about wether killing a child to save the realm could be considered a vile or honorable. The contrast between Ned and Robert is clearly shown here.

  • the duel between Jaime and Ned is my personal favorite scene in this episode. I love how we can see that Jaime starts off toying with Ned then slowly sees how good Ned is with a sword. And when he wants to unleash his ultimate skill, a guard stabs Ned and ends the duel. For that, Jaime strikes him. RIP Jory, the north remembers.

  • Robert's scene with Cersei exposes a lot about these great characters. Such an extraordinary scene. We get more knowledge about Robert's love towards Lyanna and how Cersei loved him in the beginning. They didn't have a calm scene like this one which gives it a lot of meaning.

Cons :
  • I didn't care much about Renly and Loras's scene due to lack of interesting conflict in their character. But nevertheless it is a completely fine scene.
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