Rosaline (2022)
Great Take on a Classic
5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While some people may hate this movie because it's not like the classic Shakespeare play, Romeo & Juliet, I personally loved it. Part of the reason I loved it is because I remember feeling bad for Rosaline when I read Romeo & Juliet. One minute Romeo was in love with her, the next he loved Juliet. Rosaline really did get the raw end of the deal. It wasn't her fault she fell in love with a fickle man-child. And honestly, who hasn't been a Rosaline at some point in their life?

One really poignant moment for me in this movie was when Dario pointedly said, "he cheated on you". You could see Rosaline hesitate as this sunk in and I've never thought of it that way but it's basically what happened. I, for one, am glad the writer(s) had the sense to point it out.

Some reviews complained about how Romeo was portrayed as a fool or an idiot. I mean really, he's supposed to be a teenage boy, what teenage boy isn't an idiot at some point? This movie did a great job of exploring the fact that teenagers aren't the most rational creatures on the planet. They fall head over heels quickly and just as quickly realize it may not work. I loved that end scene between Romeo & Juliet on the boat. As I got older, I understood their relationship probably wouldn't last because all Romeo had was pretty words and grand gestures and sooner or later, that wouldn't be enough.

This movie highlights the idea that a passionate love isn't always a lasting one and to truly fall in love with someone, you have to get to know them. If you're a big fan of the play Romeo & Juliet and don't want to see you favorite characters "sullied", I would skip this movie. However, if you're like me and identified with Rosaline in some way or felt bad for her, I recommend this movie so you can see her get her happy ending.
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