Review of Silent Hill

Silent Hill (2006)
5/10 for design and score
15 November 2022
So the positives:

-they used Akira yamaoka's incredible score from the games -designs are mostly scary and accurate to the games

The cons:

-acting 😅

-plot. Yes I know the game is convoluted but it could have been simplified without falling into cliche horror tropes. Silent hill isn't about the Salem witch trials. However, that seemed to be the biggest inspiration for this film's plot.

-unnecessary changes from the game. When adapting a game into a film (a hard task it's own right), changes are bound to happen. However when those changes don't seem to improve the story in any meaningful way then we wonder why they exist at all. In the original game, Harry mason is looking for his adopted daughter. A father trying to find his daughter is compelling. Why did it have to be the mother instead? Why change the fathers name from Harry mason to Christopher Dasilva? Especially when the sequel establishes that he is in fact Harry mason? Also, of course pyramid head is legendary but he doesn't make sense being here or in the sequel. Pyramid head is a construct of james Sunderland's mind in SH2 and has nothing to do with Harry or Heather.

Let's hope Gans understands these flaws and goes harder on SH 2.
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