Visuals Top, Movie Not
16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The strong suit of the first Avatar movie was for sure not the story (the retelling of Pocahontas in a sci-fi context etc. - my rate for that one is a straight 8), so I did not expect a sophisticated plot or something substantial, and like expected, the story is nothing worth to mention or remarkable. Fore sure, The Way of Water is no bad experience, the effects are fine, the production superb, so I dare to say, if you liked the first one you will like this one most likely too. All in all I was entertained, but the trip had some lengthy parts too, some cutting (like in many productions these days) would have done some magick to the experience of The Way of Water. Also the sensation of the new style like movies like the first Matrix, Sin City and Avatar provided is gone - you know what you get. So I gotta confess, here and there I was slightly bored, and sometimes it was like watching the cinematic to a (well made) computer game. In my humble opinion, the media mostly does overpraise this work by James Cameron like they did with the Dune remake by Denis Villeneuve. Eye-candy? Yes. Cinematic masterpieces? No.
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