Loved Argo in 2012? Then see how Carol Reed played with audiences' nerves 7 decades ago.
26 December 2022
Night Train to Munich (1940) : Brief Review -

Loved Argo in 2012? Then see how Carol Reed played with audiences' nerves 7 decades ago. Just to make it relatable to today's audiences, I'd like to mention classic thrillers like Argo (2012) and Baby (2015). Argo was based on a true story, and then Baby Indianized the same idea with fictional surroundings. It might be shocking to you that a master director like Carol Reel had done so in 1940, and that too with the reference to World War 2. It's not just because the film was made in that period but also because it is set in Hitler-occupied places and deals with the escape that might have broken the nerves of common audiences at that time. When you see Baby and Argo now, you know these things aren't happening in the country right now, nor were they happening when the films were running in cinemas. Now, imagine a film like "Night Train to Munich," when Hitler was actually occupying European countries. The film becomes very important with the relatability factors as such. So, the film is about an inventor and his daughter, who are kidnapped by the Gestapo after the Nazis march into Prague in the prelude to the Second World War. A British secret service agent follows them, disguised as a senior German army officer and pretending to woo the daughter over to the Nazi cause. Will he succeed? Well, let's not spoil things, even if they look a little predictable. I never really imagined Rex Harrison would play such a vibrant yet thrilling character with such ease. I mean, this came much before his most acclaimed works like "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" and "My Fair Lady." Indeed, a pleasant thing to know. Loved Margaret Lockwood's beauty and Paul Henreid's impeccable performance as the German officer. Reed was playing in a different game altogether. If I ever say so, count this film as one of the proofs.

RATING - 7.5/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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