Breaking Bad: Gliding Over All (2012)
Season 5, Episode 8
Unbelievable deus ex machina
4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I first rated this episode a bit higher (5/10), but decided that I will lower the rating because of how ridiculous and weak the moment of Hank finding out about Walter was. The huge hype surrounding this episode seems to be solely, or at least hugely due to the cliffhanger ending. While I understand why the ending would seem so great to many people, it is still a cheap deus ex machina, and nothing else. We are supposed to believe that Walter, so obsessive about tying any loose ends and having no problems in ordering the killing or personally killing so many people would forget to get rid of the book that could incriminate him, or at least just rip off the page with the incriminating dedication? And all the while he knows full well everything that Hank knows about Gale, so it is not the case of something that was unknown to him. I should say that this is impossible, but then again, this is Breaking Bad, a series whose trademark is pulling impossible and unbelievable coincidences out of it's writers' backsides in order to further the plot... and sometimes not even to further the plot, but just for cheap theatrics and wow moments. In any case, the whole thing is completely anticlimactic and unbelievable. And this should be perhaps the biggest moment of the entire series - Walter's secret is discovered by the authorities and it is effectively game over for him. That it has been done so poorly is a huge disappointment. On top of all that, there is the completely ridiculous idea that Walter is using "Leaves of Grass" as a bathroom read, something to pass the time while taking a dump. Whoever wrote this obviously thinks that there is no difference between poems of Walt Whitman and the list of ingredients on a shampoo bottle.

Then there is another of BB's trademarks - characters doing a complete 180 regarding their personalities, without any sense. Last episode, Walter was adamant that he would never quit. Now he's "done". Why? Because reasons.

Finally, I lowered the rating on principle, considering that the episode ends with a huge cliffhanger, and the next episode was aired a year later. It is not a problem for me watching the show years later, but I sincerely hate every show that does this. It is a huge middle finger to the viewers and I will always return the favor.
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