It's Our Memories that Make Us...
10 January 2023
The centre of attraction in the town, a screen where everybody gathers round, showing films in black and white, bringing joy, pleasure, delight, as the reels rotate, the story is unwound. Toto's mesmerised by all he sees and hears, the picture house is where he flees and cheers, getting in Alfredo's way, mischievous eyes so full of play, Father Adelfio, still collars him for prayers. As he gets older more distractions then appear, conscription, briefly ends all premieres, a girl captures his young heart, sends his pulse right off the chart, then comes the time, when he moves on, goes overseas.

Toto's growing up in a small town in Sicily, with the joys of cinematic adventure, amongst a group of characters destined to remain as set in their ways as those captured in Pompeii. But there's always someone to help you change direction, point you at the stars and help you on your way, you just need to find them and then listen.

Still as beautiful and as elegant as it ever was.
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